October 14, 2011

The Other Dodsworth

This post isn't about Sinclair Lewis' Dodsworth (which I've promptly added to my own to-read list). Today's pick is from my older son, four-year old Binka.  The book series are about the other Dodsworth, a world-travelling rodent with a crazy duck in tow. The pair hits NYC, then sails for Paris, crosses the channel in style via air balloon.

There is a lot to love. The odd pair tries their hand at delivering baguettes in Paris, meets a royal Oxford-educated duck in London, bickers as any travel companions, but generally the two enjoy each other's company.   Binka agrees "I like the duck because he is naughty and gets in trouble.  He makes airplanes our of Euros."
Dodsworth in New York by Tim Egan

Dodsworth in Rome by Tim EganNext stop for Dodsworth and duck is Rome, we are all hoping Santa brings it to us. 

I leave you with the timeless words from the Crazy Duck himself: "Fluffy pancakes in the air. Pancakes, pancakes everywhere!"

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