July 26, 2011

Favorite Paintings: Sonia Delaunay

After I shared some of my all-time favorite paintings a few friends told me about theirs. Catherine’s pick happens to be by a thoroughly modern dame Sonia Delaunay.

Rythme Coloré (Colored Rhythm) Sonia Delaunay 1946
Private collection © L & M SERVICES B.V. The Hague 20100623; Photo: © private collection

Sonia Delaunay
Sonia Delaunay is a fine choice and I cannot resist to share just a bit about her. The artist was born Sarah Stern in Ukraine (or Russia, depending on what year the map was published). At a young age, Sonia moved to St. Petersburg and became Sonia Terk after her affluent uncle and aunt adopted her and encouraged her talent.

Eventually Sonia went where all artists flocked – Paris – where she met her husband, a fellow artist Robert Delaunay (there was also a first marriage to a gallery owner but it was largely assumed to be a union of convenience on both sides).

Though both Sonia and Robert Delaunay are known for colorful abstract spheres, Sonia was prolific in other, perhaps more commercial, areas. She designed costumes, textiles, clothing, murals, and even dabbled with interior design.

a lithograph - costume design by Sonia Delaunay
Unnamed Lithography by Sonia Delaunay (source: ArtNet.com)

More Favorite Painting picks to come – and send me yours!

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