July 8, 2011

Cheeky, Ridiculous, and Absurd Wines

Speaking of delicious wines, it is Friday night and I am sitting with a glass of Cupcake Wine Red Velvet blend in hand (I admit, it is indeed velvety). Do creative wine names make you cringe? Or do wines with catchy labels make it right into your shopping basket?

There is certainly a range, from clever to cheeky to naughty to downright gross. Zinfandels seem especially prone to creative, somewhat subversive names (I have it on good authority that 7 Deadly Zins - or any red zin from Cali - will do ample justice to grilled meat.)

7 Deadly Zins Zinfandel

Cardinal Zin Zinfandel

Zin Your Face – I imagine this one isn’t about subtle flavors.

Zin Your Face California Zinfandel

These two next here both Chards, California Mad Housewife and French Fat Bastard, together would make a terrific wedding gift, no?

Mad Housewife California Chardonnay
I am digging the retro vibe of the label, she really looks deranged!

Fat Bastard French Chardonnay

Whoever thought that bodily fluids are just the thing to sell beverages? Amazingly, Cat’s Pee on Gooseberry Bush is a very accurate description of a Sauvignon Blanc.
Have you ever?  Even the frog seems puzzled by his fate of gracing the bottle.

Yep, that's Sauvingnon Blanc all right.

Photo sources - 7 Deadly Zins: Winelog.net, Zin Your Face: Odee.com, Mad Housewife & Frog’s Piss: www.myhumors99.com, Cardinal Zin & Fat Bastard: Winelabels.org.

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