April 11, 2011

Hello and welcome!

After hatching many ideas for years, I am taking the plunge into the blogosphere. Because so many things are interesting and fascinating this blog isn’t focused on any one area. It is about style and domesticity, books and creativity, and really any other non sequiturs that merit digital space.

My time is generally spent balancing a career (very fulfilling) and family (definitely above average) but this blog is about neither of those. I am embarking on this project in hope of making more time for other endeavors.

Why [Thoroughly] Modern Klatch? Klatch is a gathering, often with coffee (love!), for informal conversation. Because klatch is social by nature, I hope to recruit a friend or two along the way to contribute their ideas, projects, and worldviews. The modern part comes in from the thoroughly modern lives we lead, balancing priorities, embracing technology, and sensibility to defy expectations.

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